Instructions - Permanent Cosmetic


  • NO alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before procedure (Yes, there is caffeine in decaf coffee and tea!).

  • Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.

  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure.

  • Avoid Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes (Shakeology, etc), “Hair, Skin, Nail” supplements 48 hours prior to procedure.

  • Discontinue Retin-A at least 4 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).

  • Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).

  • Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye are should be avoided 1 month prior to procedure for those who do not regularly receive injectables.

  • No brow waxing, tinting, or threading one week prior (the more natural hair growth you have, the better!

  • Avoid Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion or facials for 4-weeks prior procedure.

  • Avoid using Eyelash serum 6 weeks before and after eyeliner tattoo treatment

  • Please inform us if you have Cold Sore history ( for lip tattoo treatment)


Proper care of your permanent cosmetic after your initial treatment and each subsequent touch-up is essential for achieving the best results. Below are listed general and specific instructions for care of your permanent cosmetic. After the initial procedure and each subsequent touch-up, the color of your permanent cosmetic will always appear sharper and/or darker than anticipated – this is normal. Moderate swelling, skin irritation, blotchiness, or change of intensity of color, and some localized discomfort is normal within the first two or three days of your initial treatment. 

  • In the first two weeks after your initial treatment, it is important to avoid both unsanitary and overly moist conditions. Use a fresh pillowcase after your treatment and do not sleep on your face or brows.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for at least the first week, as the sweat will increase your risk of infection. Do not use any makeup on treated areaduring the initial two-week healing period.

  • Skin creams, ointments, or lotions not provided or recommended by your technician should be avoided. Petroleum-based ointments combined with UV exposure carry a risk of allergic reactions; aloe vera products will cause discoloration of your permanent cosmetic treatment’s pigment.

  • Allow any scabbing, dry skin, or flaking to naturally exfoliate away; picking, rubbing, scratching or touching with an unwashed hand can cause scarring, prevent the treatment from taking hold, and increase your risk of infection. Smoking can cause your permanent cosmetic to prematurely fade.

  • Avoid hot tubs, saunas, salt water, chlorinated pools, direct shower spray, and hot water on your permanent cosmetic during these first two weeks. Limiting the time you spend in the shower is especially relevant, to avoid both direct how water contact and the creation of excess steam. Using a shower cap to cover your forehead and eyebrow area while showering is recommended.

  • For the first 30 days after your initial permanent cosmetic procedure, avoid direct sun exposure and tanning. Most people are unaware of how much sun exposure we receive during our normal day-to-day routines. Wear a hat and/or sunglasses when outdoors.

  • Day 1 - Allow the treated area to dry, itching and discomfort is normal.

    Day 2-5 - Twice a day, gently dab the treated area with cotton dipped in clean, cool water and blot dry; apply the healing product in the aftercare package with a cotton-tipped applicator. The pigmented eyebrow area will become obviously darker than your original eyebrow shade and/or the targeted color, this is normal. Swelling, itching and discomfort is normal.

    Day 5-10 - Continue cleaning and applying the recommended healing product twice a day, morning and night. Swelling and discomfort should subside, and scabbing should by now have almost or completely exfoliated naturally.

    Day 14 - Your targeted eyebrow color should settle in, but continue to avoid applying any makeup.

    Day 30-60 - You may resume using makeup and touch-up is highly recommended to achieve the best and longest lasting look.

  • Day 1 - Allow the treated area to dry; swelling, skin irritation and discomfort is normal. Do not scratch or touch the pigmented area with your bare hands.

    Day 2-4 - Before going to bed, dab with cotton dipped in clean, cool water and blot dry; apply the healing product in the aftercare package with a cotton-tipped applicator (q-tip). Swelling, itching and discomfort is normal.

    Day 4 - Continue cleaning and applying the recommended healing product. Swelling and discomfort should subside, and scabbing should by now have almost or completely exfoliated naturally.

    Day 15 - You may resume using an eyelash curler.

    Day 30-60 - Touch-up is recommended to achieve the best and longest lasting look.

    The suggestive time-line above may vary between people as everyone's skin is different.

    Touch-ups are essential for monitoring and adjusting the healing of your permanent cosmetic, as well as assuring their longevity, and the color will soften within two weeks of each treatment. While touch-ups are recommended every one to three months, this will vary depending on your targeted color, type of skin, type of skin care products used, and your amount of sun exposure.

  • Day 1 - Your lips may feel dry and taut; treat them with the healing product in the aftercare package for moisturizing. Frequently dab the treated area with cotton dipped in clean, cool water and blot dry, and apply the recommended healing product with a cotton-tipped applicator. We recommend drinking through a straw, avoiding hot and/or spicy food, and keeping food and toothpaste from touching your lips for the first two days. Movement of your lips is encouraged to decrease numbness; oozing, discomfort, and swelling is normal.

    Day 2-5 - Continue cleaning and applying the recommended healing product. Swelling and discomfort should subside; allow your lips to peel and exfoliate naturally.

    Day 7-15 - Your lips’ color will become darker and bruised-looking; this is normal.

    Day 30-45 - Your lips’ color will become bright and shiny. Scabs should now be completely exfoliated naturally and your lips will be smooth.

    Day 45-60 - Your lips’ targeted color should settle in and touchup is recommended to achieve the best and longest lasting look. Make an appointment with us for checkup or touchup to ensure the best and longest lasting result.

    The suggestive time-line above may vary between people as everyone's skin is different.

    Touch-ups are essential for monitoring and adjusting the healing of your permanent cosmetic, as well as assuring their longevity, and the color will soften within two weeks of each treatment. While touch-ups are recommended every one to three months, this will vary depending on your targeted color, type of skin, type of skin care products used, and your amount of sun exposure.

    Once healed, you should always protect your permanent cosmetic with a good sunscreen; prolonged UV exposure will cause fading. Indefinitely avoid using Retin A or Alpha Hydroxy solutions or creams. All permanent cosmetics appear more vibrant with moistened with emollient products.